
Richard J. Miller [website] [blog] [books]

Department of Pharmacology

Northwestern University

Ambika Bajpayee [website]

Department of Bioengineering

Northeastern University

Mona Dvir-Ginzberg [website]

Associate Professor

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Christopher Little [website]

Director Raymond Purves Bone and Joint Research Labs

The University of Sydney

Fransiska Malfait [website]

Department of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics

University of Ghent

Carla Scanzello [website]

Division of Rheumatology

University of Pennsylvania

Micky Tortorella [website]

Chief Technology Officer

Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health

Ana Valdes [website]

Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences

University of Nottingham, UK

REJOIN team members: 

Frank Ko: Rush

Martin Lotz: Scripps Research

Tristan Maerz: University of Michigan

Richard Miller: Northwestern University

Bella Mehta: HSS

Dana Orange: Rockefeller University / HSS

RUSH Division of Rheumatology Colleagues