In the News
Stay up to date with us: @rem7101 @AM_Malf @MSKPainCenter
Summer 2023:
Natalie is awarded an F31 grant [Linkedin]
Alia is awarded a Cohn fellowship
Spring 2022:
Terese is awarded an F32 grant
Spring 2022:
The NIAMS P30-funded Chicago Center on Musculoskeletal Pain (C-COMP) is launched
Fall 2021:
Rachel is nominated by Terese to win the Rush postdoc mentor of the year award:
Summer 2021:
Lai is awarded a Cohn fellowship
Anne-Marie is featured by the Joint Action podcast
Natalie wins a Hamilton Company Syringe Grant
Spring 2021:
Anne-Marie wins the Basic Science Research Award at OARSI
Shingo successfully defends his PhD and has his paper highlighted in Arthritis Research & Therapy
June 2020: Find our DRG microarray dataset online
March 2020: Experts Identify Knowledge Gaps in Chronic Osteoarthritis Pain in Women
August 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Alia Obeidat!
2019: Rachel participates in the USBJI YII program
April 2018: ANRF profile
April 2018: Article receives Editor's Pick on Pain Research Forum
July 2017: Richard Miller starts a [blog] - check it out!
June 2017: Anne-Marie and Delfien attend the 2017 North American Pain School
April 2017: Nature Rheumatology Reviews write-up on the 'DREADD' paper
Jan 2017: Siebel Scholar Profile
Sept 2016: Rush Mentor-Mentee Article
Aug 2016: Practical Pain Management Interview